R2 Droid Parts - Reference

The Renev.biz category “R2 Droid Parts – Reference” is a resource for locating parts for your droid build. Come on in and look around.

Note: No completed R2-D2 droids or complete R2-D2 droid kits are offered on this site. Droid parts sold on is site are offered to aid the droid fan building community and not sold for commercial purposes. The R2-D2 name and likeness are the sole property of The Walt Disney Company.

We do not allow for the sale of finished droids since many of the likenesses of popular droids may infringe on the intellectual properties of other organizations.

Referenced Items: Many of the items displayed in this category on this site along with their accompanying images and specs are for reference purposes only. These items are shown with a zero price and as out of stock. Check the item description for links to the site where they may be purchased. Always recheck the specs and availability directly on the site where you are purchasing the item. Renev.biz does not necessarily keep the most up to date specs on these referenced items. All customer service is handled directly through the site in which the item was purchased.